We will tell you who sexpat Mike Belter is that me and my sons were waiting for his visit here in France but no where to be seen, we even checked the port of Cannes where the most luxury yachts in the world are docked this time of the year hoping the "unlimited finances available" guy might flock. Nothing!.. Then, we extended our search to Monaco, an hour driving from here. Nothing!.. Promises Promises Mike...
Anyway, just in case he got lost, and if you see him, please let us know, I'll be happy to send him directions to find the place. Here is how he looks, you can't miss the guy.
We will tell you also about Tom Mcallaster who has never lived in Cagayan De Oro but he's more royalist than the king is, wondering why he's so active with this group. Is he a Sexpat? Sure he was, but thanks to his wife of third his age but thrice his brain, way more decent, intelligent and responsible than him convinced him to move to the US. Same for Evangeline with her husband, my good friend Jack that she declared an all out war on him to leave the Phils sick and tired seeing him on the beer exchange places day in day out. We will tell you how they did it. Because these girls have nothing to do with Daisy's Cline chicks you see all over the internet on pictures taken either by Gordon Elletson or their husbands and boy friends and posted by them on their yahoo groups.
Back to Mike Belter, he is Mountstephen's, aka Spooks, owner of "Spooks whorehouse" in Cagayan de Oro best friend, about 35 but blends well with the ole farts most members of this group are. Of course, you don't have to be an ole fart to smell like an ole fart. All it takes is a Mike Belter look!...
(Did I try you enough?)
Now, one may ask why I call Mike Belter a sexpat? Because those living nearby know him well and informed us about his behavior. For example, here is what some one close to him like Gordon Elletson (You can't get closer than that lol!!) had to say in his forum. And is only an "innocent" comment. Wait until the next update to read more.
(Did I try you enough?)
Ok Let Texkano tell us a few words about you.
(Click on to enlarge it)

I'll tell you when I come back after the elections in the Phils, feeling our readers and supporters are now preoccupied by the elections and the turbulence most likely will bring to an already shaken political and financial situation.
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