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Perry Gamsby StreetWise Philippines Publications All the lies the guide books leave out! |
The schizophrenic Perry Gamsby did it again. Of course! No one has ever recovered from this illness, Perry confirmed it once again. Some are using their writing talents to contribute for a better world, even if is through a cultural or armed revolution, as history proves, both resulted in building better societies, restoring the missing freedom of speech, creating wealth, prosperity and equal opportunities to all citizens. Others, Like Perry Gamsby is using it to take advantage of a known corrupted country to promote himself for the purpose of selling books and other goods to foreigners in the Philippines, even if his evil marketing will bury this British national jailed in a prison in Manila. that he pretends to help him get out of jail.
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Perry Gamsby pedaling the latest model of Philippines made tricycle bike looking for customers. |
hile In the middle of updating Michael Turner's newest events (Plenty!) this morning an alert came to my mailbox about an entry on the sister blog that I had to interrupt and give priority on this issue that I'm planning to go as far as I can to stop further action of this paranoid trying to make money out of a guy fighting for his life in a prison.
"Reader, what ever your conviction is about Kevin Taylor, innocent or guilty for the crimes as charged, there are reasons for both to act in his favor. If you feel he's innocent, let it be known, if you feel is guilty, then, please consider that he has paid much more than the crime he committed, his life is in danger, enough is enough, send your thoughts to the prosecutor's office in the most diplomatic and respectful manner and let him know that not all foreigners share the thoughts of Perry Gamsby on this matter and other Perry's defaming statements.
Here is what I'm talking about:. For many months, we haven't heard about the progress of Kevin Taylor in getting closer to a trial date or the charges be dropped and be freed. The only source of information we have is this forum managed by Perry Gamsby that exploit the opportunity to spit his venom on the PH government and judicial system for reasons as explained several times on this blog, recklessly, selflessly without thinking of the damages he's inflicting on the accused, his wife and his parents.
He went (again) on the Yahoo forum supposedly created to help Kevin Taylor and in a crisis of psychosis once again screamed his hatred for the Philippines that for years he was telling us was a paradise. He did it where he shouldn't,wondering if he really wants Kevin to be freed or keep him in jail for ever and use it as as showcase to calm his convulsions -unfortunately for the world occur too often. (Please, click on the screen shot to zoom it).
Please Click here to see the original post
Now, as for the reasons Perry Gamsby left the Philippines, he has no reason to slander the country for his failure, that country that he called "home" for twenty years.
He went back to Australia with a wife and 5 children profiting of the generous welfare the country provides to its citizens, one of the best, much better that this of many developed European countries. The fat ass don't need to work, what ever income he generates on line goes unreported in his bank account in the PH and...life is good!... Maybe we should inform the AU taxation office? We'll see....
He's also talking about revolution in the Philippines. Reader, Perry is not the one he wants you to believe he is. He portrays himself as an activist fighting corruption and injustice but at the same time slandering the Filipinos all over the net and in his books. The reality is, he lived in the country under the status of a true sexpat, with "celebrities" partners like Paul Petrea and Christopher Bennetts.
I was wondering, what kind of revolution he's dreaming for the Philippines? He's using the word MOB, "The mob will take care of Kevin's Taylor judge" Us, living in Europe close to the recent uprising of Arab People, we cal them "insurgents" fighting for democracy in their countries. The mob, is usually a band of criminals found not only in the Sicilian mafia but to some "revolutionary governments" in countries like Liberia, Somalia, Congo, to name a few, that seized the country to loot it more than the one governing before, in their turn, they will be chased by another mob, so on and so forth. Does Perry know what's the difference between a mobster and an insurgent? Certainly not. I am not planing to waist my time explaining to this sexpat. All he's interested is to sell his misleading books, regardless of the harm he's causing on his marketing strategy.
Reader, The Philippines is not a perfect place to live, and is true for Filipinos and foreigners as well. You foreigner, have the choice of staying or leaving, If you don't like it, just leave as a gentleman, like some one who wasn't forced to come and live in this country; It was your choice. Why use your failure for therapeutic purpose to calm down your mental problems that you always had?
Gamsby's temper has angered many, he has practically no friends, even those close supporters like Brad Hughes, Chris Bennetts or Paul Petrea have left the building long ago. Yet, he continues his insults through out, accusing any one who has different ideas or want to stay anonymous as been a troll, he has angered also the parents of Kevin Taylor that had to intervene in the forum with the following statement"
Mr & Mrs Taylor I have a message for you: This group that suppose to be a help to your son wind up to be Perry's Gamsby marketing tool to the destruction of your son and his wife. Mr. Taylor, for the love of your son and in his best interest, you should request the closure of this group and prohibit any one of the members to mention the case in the medias, especially in the Facebook. Perry Gamsby is known to the Philippines government for his vitriolic statements against the country, he's not a reference to crusade for the liberty of your son.
Mr Taylor, the only one can save your son is you, with the help of human rights organizations in the UK and not with the involvement of the sexpats living in the Philippines. I understand your financial situation and your age prevents you of even visit your son in Manila. There is a way, I'll be working on as soon as after the next hearing that I hope will take place soon with positive results for your son, that in this case no interference will be needed.
Evan Iliadis
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Other interesting links:
Paul Petrea-Perry Gamsby-Don Herrington- and some others - Live In The Philippines Blog