Showing posts with label Philippines sexpats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philippines sexpats. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Paul Petrea's day in court

Paul Petrea's day in court

Today, July-12-2012, Paul was summoned to appear in a court in MoalBoal Cebu Philippines in Connection with a criminal case filed by Manilyn Gemarino for beating her last October in a resort while drinking together and under the watch of her husband Phillip Rowe known also as "easyrider" on the Living in Cebu Forums and "Americano" on the live in the Philippines forum. I already posted about the story right here on this blog  last March and promised an update. 
July 12th 2012.Paul Petrea’s day in court. Yeah? It's news to me!...
The screenshot below was taken from the first entry I published on the subject back in March 2012, where I was telling anyone, especially to Phillip Rowe that he will never see Paul in court.

Paul Petrea's day in court

It‘s news to me! No, I did not run for a seat in a packed courtroom,  neither ordered extra popcorn for the pastime. Folks, again, “I told you so”. I have stated time and again, in my writings on the blogs, on comments and posts on the forums, to Philipp Rowe “aka” Americano the sexpat, to my good friends and other enemies, that the chances of seeing Paul in a court of law in Cebu are from slim to none. Here come this notorious sexpat "Amercano" and his new lawyer and adviser Matt Willkie “aka” PNP detective and adviser on special operations, telling us, “there is an arraignment July 12 for the case number blablabla,  Manilyn Gemarino, -Rowe or whatever her new name is today (She has changed her profile name in FB 11 times.) against Woody Paul Petrea SR (or without SR ) whatever it is”.
 Paul Petrea's day in courtWell, if that rejuvenates Matt’s dead forum and some return “for the big news” (I haven’t see Guenther though) Evan owes you the truth, the facts, and nothing but the facts, how he has  been successful to kick out of the Philippines this criminal by using this low life Philipe Rowe, who's not worth more than Paul, when it comes to respect Filipinas, something that Evan was right on his belief “the end justify the means”.

You’ll read shortly what I mean. There will be no need to re-introduce the defendant, in this case, Paul Petrea,

For newbies on this blog, you can read

At that time I promised you a continuation of this case, but in the meantime other hot subjects surfaced in the Cebu lowlife sexpats and criminals department and Phillip was put into the refrigerator. Time to come out Phil, you need some air!
Phillip Rowe, together with his new lawyer Matt Wilkie are extremely happy that Paul will not come to the court. Lucky you guys! You will not have to buy a cubic of sand to put your head in when Paul’s lawyer will collapse the case, in minutes, will make the judge understand what the case was all about, who “the husband” is, and worse, Paul could file defamation and harassment charges against him and her, and “Voila”! Paul a hero again! an innocent citizen in good standing, Guenther will not hesitate a minute to sponsor him as a member in the coastal guard and to the Rizalists  illuminattis he’s a member.

Friends and internet gurus opponents (No, no guys the site is still alive and prospering) here is what happened. I’ll make it short, straight to the point, no elaborate wording; pictures and screen shots will talk by themselves. Nevertheless, if a picture worth 1000 words, one still needs to add a few words to explain the picture! Agree?
Back in October 2011, a comment is posted on the blog apparently from a Filipino girl. found out later she’s in her 20s. Here is what she said:
 Paul Petrea's day in court
Then, days later, her boyfriend came into the scene. An American guy named Phillip Rowe in his 60s  entered with one foot only. The other was still in the living in Cebu forums where 2 months later after Paul hit her he was posting nasty things on Filipinos and his girlfriend family.
From mail to mail, from chat to chat with both of them and a search on his profile and postings on the living in Cebu forum AND the valuable contribution of Inspector – PNP (Philippines National Police) special agent Matt Wilkie, I made my mind up what exactly was going on.

- Paul Petrea and Phillip Rowe were friends, more than friends, buddies, even more than buddies, they were “drinking companions” as both are known drunkards in the community at large…Phillip and Manilyn were amongst the few, very few, to attend Paul’s BD at “my place” bar in 2011.

-As soon as the first exchange of emails with Phillip and comments start coming in, all questioning “where was he when Paul was beating his wife”, even though Manilyn explaned – “he was drunk and was sleeping”- it’s really hard to swallow. Folks, we are talking here everything happened in one room, according to Manilyn the beating was going on for an hour. How big are the rooms in a resort in Moalboal? Are they that big that Phillip was so isolated and far from the “event” that didn’t hear or saw nothing? Take a look in the screen shot below. This is only the half of the list of emails exchanged with him.
 Paul Petrea's day in court

-Manilyn doesn’t lie on her explanation, but under pressure and censure from her sexpat husband, She just doesn’t say the whole story. There is no doubt in my mind, never was, that Paul beat her as she described it, but again, something is missing here. Investigator Matt Wilkie has his own idea, let’s read from him what he had to say. I have already published this mail but I think it is within the present context to give it more “value” today and maybe Phillip has something to say.

 Below is an unsolicited report Matt sent me – just to show me how great and efficient detective is. Please note: “I will send the original mail including headers directly from my Yahoo inbox to anyone will request it. A screen shot, or a PDF format, with good skills in photoshop a mail can be edited but not to the point to be undetectable. A computer savvy will recognize the manipulation.  But there is NO way to alter it when you receive it as a forwarded or attached mail”. Now here is what Matt said. (click on the image to enlarge it)

Paul Petrea's day in court

When Matt wrote this about Americano (Phillip Rowe) he had seen only one picture. This one.  There was more of the same somewhere in his facebook page. Look this one below. In a thread talking about maids he called her “live in” then Manilyn is her cousin living with them. To me looks none of the above. How about you reader? Look at his hand in the water… But who was taking the picture? Manilyn of course! Who’s the girl with Phillip here? It Depends who you ask. A maid? Manilyn’s cousin? A live in (as what)? Read his statements below and judge yourself.

 Now, you don’t need to be a detective or a “connected” to figure out with whom you interact in the cyberspace. There are those who say “things” about you that you never said  and they can’t put up the source of the statement because it doesn’t exist, and those who said “things” about themselves that third party could be interested, download, give it to their attorney for notarizing the original source of the statement and keep it in file. That’s what I do with my Lawyer in Bohol, It cost me 25 pesos per page and so far I have 600 pages on file. So you guys can erase and manipulate pages, it won't work. Now. imagine for a moment that Paul did the same thing with Phillip Rowe and during the cross-examination in court ask Phillip this: “Sir, did you made this statement below?”
Paul Petrea's day in court
And in the year 2007 you brought another Filipina to the US. What happened to her? How many  Filipinas you have abused? Maybe we should launch an investigation as to what you got in exchange (other than sex) for the facilitation to them obtaining a green card?

 Paul Petrea's day in court

And another “maid” 17 years old. Expats, tell me: How many of you living in a 2 bedroom apartment, no kids no parents to take care, just you or two of you, have a live-in maid?

 Paul Petrea's day in court

Then, digging further, Paul found this one, not a hard work really because it comes from his database!

Paul Petrea's day in court
 And this one below? Look at the date you wrote it. Dec. 27 -2011!  2 months later after your wive’s beating, you have continued to befriend your buddy Paul and who knows if you didn’t have a few drinks and shared a couple of blow jobs with him in the toilets in Ayala mall. Remember what Detective Matt said: He has seen then all!

 Paul Petrea's day in court

Question for you Phil: "Will you find a judge that will not consider this a slander, the worst style of defamation towards Filipinos and the family of your wife? Are you expecting any judge or prosecutor, or even Lawyer you hired to fight for your case?  Phillip Rowe, you can’t  fool anyone telling around that is “her case” “She filed the charges” “it’s her business”.

You avoid to be included in the witness list but make no mistake Lawyers know how to subpoena witness, you will have to testify and Paul’s lawyer will trash you in the middle of the room, destroying whatever left (if any) of your credibility, if you had any, to begin with.

Readers and friends, here comes the real story. You all know Evan is a strong wording writer, vitriolic at times, a necessary style when you deal with parasites unrepentant, remorseless and in total denial of their criminal actions and behavior, hard headed sexpats and criminals. Evan will never compromise to the detriment of the truth and the interest of those vulnerable Filipinos that he has witnessed the abuses from pimps, disgusting old sexpats and all kind of foreigners exploiters.

Phillip Rowe fits exactly in this category. Phillip Rowe never wanted to file charges against Paul Petrea. When I read the statement he made in the forum below, there was no doubt in my mind that money, together of naming and shaming will motivate him to go ahead. I sent him 100 Euros as a first installment with the promise, as the case progress will send more. Read the statement, then I will continue.

 Paul Petrea's day in court
Phillip Rowe has a different conception about helping people in a forum that for such trivial services no one will ask compensation, no one wants finding fees for a maid he will refer to someone.! Was he in need of 1000 pesos? It didn’t come to the attention of a blind or stupid.

All I was looking for, was to create awareness to the immigration and the authorities in general, including the US embassy because his passport is not quite what it should be. (There will be another entry on this when the campaign to kick him out from Cambodia will begin soon.) And it worked. One sexpatt chased another. In other words… “The clash of the sexpats” that tumbled Living in Cebu forums, kicked out of the country Paul and filled-in pages in Matt Wilkie forum and blogs. 

And the winner is? The people of the Philippines of course! The biggest looser? Tim Potter “aka” the Norseman. He lost his teacher and buddy in scamming business. Hard to recover… Paul is now rebuilding in Cambodia. So we do here on this blog. We’ll keep you posted..... 
Excuse me? The trial? Which trial? There was no trial!...Phil and Manilyn showed up for "the news" in the Liveinthephilippines forum, after the pretrial noise on the forum and "nothing to report" the day after Phil is now looking for a new "maid"


Other interesting stories on the links below.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Paul Petrea has left the building. Again.

Paul a fugitive is now living in Cambodia
Clicking on the image brings you to the story.

Hello every one from the beautiful Thailand! Paul’s new home. For good? He hopes not. We, contributors of this blog think different and will do everything to stay in the caves for ever. Because any place out of the Philippines will be hell for Paul. No other country will allow a psychopath of this gravity to freely torture,scam, even kill [He came very close to this in GA why not a repeat in the PH?]  and go unpunished. He knows that. Click here to read more 

Related stories:

Other interesting links
Evan iliadis-sexpats wall of shame in the Philippines 
 Evan iliadis
Tropicalpenpals-blog-Matt Wilkie
Guenther-Vombergguenther vomberg

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
sexpats wall of shame phil Rowe-Manilyn Gemarino and "the maid"

Friends, contributors and readers, welcome again to my blog for another edition on the sexpat community living in the Philippines. The story you are about to read, is about a victim of Paul Petrea, one more, one of those the writer has fully participated from day 2, day one being the day  the incident occurred, he wasn't there. 

But as you'll see down the road, I didn't need to be there, as the victim  unfolded the story to me in a place and time there was no fuse and excitement on the internet yet, no circus atmosphere, no lies and cover-ups as later surfaced. 

It was just spontaneous words that came out of the victim's heart, no witness or assistance from anyone, in a 4th grader English, (like mine) that for the little story, you'll see what 4th graders can do when get together to explain things!…

Let's get started with a chronology of the events. It is going to be a long entry, I might have to split in two.

 Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat 

The night of October 17th 2011, the girl you see above, Manilyn Gemarino in her 20s, was spending the night with her fiancee, (her husband now)  Philip Rowe an American citizen in his 60s, in a resort some where in Cebu Philippines. Paul Petrea, a good and loyal friend of Phillip Rowe, was there also, alone, with them was an other couple, a Canadian with his girls friend he had just arrived from abroad, my understanding is he was temporarily living at Phillip and Manilyn's apartment.

The friend from Canada and his GF left earlier living 3 of them together, Phillip, Manilyn and Paul continuing the drinking session started earlier. 

October 23 2011. A comment was posted on one of the blogs I often authoring, from apparently a girl saying this: (Email address erased) You need to click on the image to enlarge it for better reading.

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe 
"AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

Short comment, but a lot of between the lines reading, I took it seriously, but I couldn't identify the girl, verify and bring to my readers a true story, real facts, and not play the game of some plotters that try to avenge Paul  using me and my blogs. You will soon know who they are, their place on the wall of shame is under construction.  

Besides, a good investigator/"stalker"/paparazzi like me (Thanks for the compliment) don't rush on every one's statement taking it for cash, just stay patient, things will roll out smoothly and in due time...

8 days later Nov.1st, I received a mail from someone I didn't know telling me this: 

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

I did keep confidential his mail, I trashed his two comments that he wanted removed, in fact, never was approved, no one saw them, mail and comments I  found them next day morning. 
The first thing I noticed on his mail, was that only his fiancee was mad at Paul, the girl found the strength and courage to come forward with her real name and tell the story with no fear. Then I noticed this guy he wanted me to remove his name for the reason he explained on his mail above. 
But paul knew everything already, he read it on the FB and threatened her through Jinky..! Then I said to myself, patience Evan the truth will prevail, as usual. 

Nov. 1st 2011 I followed Phillip's instructions, went to the FB and asked Manilyn to be her friend, she accepted, first thing first, scrolled her wall and find what she had about Paul. There was the pictures with the bruises  you can see here  
She had also linked pages from this wall of shame where Paul occupies a special place. BTW, if you go to the link, look at the date. OCT 2010. May I now say "Evan Told you so!"  Thanks.

Back to our subject, here is some screen shots on Manilyn's FB wall. Please remember the name is just a FB screen name as described by Phil on his mail above.Look also at the date she wrote the comment. 5 days later after the incident. 

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

then later Oct 29

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

On the spot, I invited Lyn to a chat session, she came, I felt it, she was angry, very angry, she needed some one to tell her story, and here is what we discussed. The conversation  went on for several hours through different dates, I will publish only a few excerpts today, saving the rest for publishing when I judge I need to. 
Here is what we said: The screenshot below is about Jinky. Again you need to click on to enlarge the image.

 Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

After we discussed for a while about jinky and Vivian I had no doubt in my my mind that she knows Paul very well, most important, she was acting without the slightest suspicion of malice or coverup of something or someone in her explanation.

So it was time to enter the main subject we both were here to converse:

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

And this one

 Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano.
A different kind of sexpat

 Well, in the end of this session, that you read only a portion, I was speechless! Stunned! surprised! 
I lived in the Philippines provinces long enough, I have rarely seen a young girl with such guts and determination to come forward asking justice. I was stunned to see this girl fighting not only Paul, but her husband trying to cover up the incident, that chicken SEXPAT  Phillip Rowe that his friendship with Paul and others sexpats in Cebu is more valuable than the honor and safety of his wife. Shame on him! All he does is going from forum to forum spreading  senseless crap, misinformation just for the heck to show his wife he does something...

It didn't take long to realize what was going on. I have never been in such delicate situation before in exposing someone. The triangle composed by a criminal that I don't care much to manage my vocabulary or how to say what i have to say, a sexpat that I don't care that much, I have seen many before, and a young girl that I may jeopardize her case in court she filled after our conversation.

In a "wait and see position" - No charges were filed yet - waiting for the next step, who ever will be the initiator, an exchange of mails start taking place between me and Phil. Every single mail I was receiving from him contributed to downgrade guy's intelligence and morality. All he was doing was smoke and mirror under the pressure of his wife that was thirsty for justice and vengeance. 
What he was doing, was making her believe that he's serious about asking Paul's head, in reality, he was doing everything to derail the case, he was hopping that Paul will never show up on subpoenas and notice to appear in court or prosecution's office IF EVER  delivered to him. To give you an example, look at this mail. Again, he makes it Lyn's problem not his, he has nothing to do with it.
(The case was filed when I received this).

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

Dec. 5th and Dec.9th 2011 back to FB for a conversation with Lyn. 

 Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

and this one

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

Dec. 9th 2011. Manilyn filed charges against Paul. The complain can be seen here,  including photos of her injuries and witness affidavits. Almost 2 months later. Even though the statute of limitation does not expire, Paul's lawyers could question their motivations in court. You'll notice also that his name, Phillip Rowe, is no where to be found. Like he wasn't there!!

Is there any one in the audience, any stupid naive that will believe what Phil was telling to Lyn? That Paul will be arrested hours after her complain, be jailed right the way and be deported to face charges in the USA? 
The BofI, gave him a run around "waiting orders from Manila", that if true, the order could come in minutes, they could arrest him in hours. I don't think the BI took him seriously, they saw the kind of sexpat he was. Besides, the immigration can't arrest someone on a simple complain. They need to investigate first.
Folks, taking a look on the dossier, no Gov. official will bother to rush in his favor, I'm wondering if even his lawyer took him seriously.
This case will never be judged in a court of law. Paul can't afford it, not because of the gravity of the charges that as presented Paul could easily fight them with the help of a top notch lawyer. With all the money he scammed he could afford the cost. 
There was other reasons that he had to go onto hiding, reasons you will read in the next entry.    

In the following days, until January 20th the story was published on the blog, me and Phil exchanged several mails, I tried to stop him of dreaming the day he will meet Paul at the court, it won't happen, he  prayed also it won't happen!. 
We had some heated arguments time to time in the way he was handling the case, very disgusting way of playing around, at one point, he sent me a copy of a mail sent to Guenther ordering him to take action  in closing my web site. Take a look..

Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

The mail was sent to several recipients including to Bob Ward. But what he didn't say to Guenther Vomberg was that he was planing to help him with the legal expenses using my money I sent to cover legal expenses against Paul. 

 Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat

As of the writing of this entry Phil Rowe tries  to find a place to accommodate him because he can't live without being a member in a forum. Is vital to him, that's all he knows in his life, that's all he knows about Philippines, that all the life he has. But the forums have been hostile to him. The LITP forum he embraced lately hammered him, painting him as a liar. I will add to this as a hypocrite low life sexpat, as many of those interacting with the LITP forum. A well deserved treatment. 

To be continued. 
in the mean time there is more elsewhere  on the subject: Click here:  and read about the "Fragrance of a Filipina heroine".

Other links"
Tropicalpenpals-blog-Matt Wilkie

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Warning! Paul is preparing a new scam. In Cambodia!.

Paul is still in Thailand but he hates it there. He said Thai police and locals treat the foreigners like shit and can't wait to get out. As per our conversation last week he wasn't sure if is Cambodia or Vietnam. He has now made his mind up: Is Cambodia. Yes people! Paul is now history in the Philippines. With his partner Kenny F want to lure you on a new scam. Kenny F wants you there, Paul ordering his troops to put their passports in order and go!. Read and click on the picture to read more.

Click on the image to read more

Other related links

Other interesting links:

Paul Petrea-Perry Gamsby-Don Herrington- and some others - Live In The Philippines Blog

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Filipinos do not desrve their life. They should have died at 10!

And for this, some one is taking care to kill them before reach the age of 10! Yes! 10! because might be too late after that! Look at the image below. The statement was made in a forum owned by an American with a registered  membership of 99.9 foreigners. The owner of the forum, one named Paul Petrea, "aka" Woody Paul Petrea SR, A four time recidivist women batterer,  is living in Cebu for 11 years now with a fake US passport, blacklisted by the Bureau of Immigration since 2006, yet, he managed to still be in the streets of Cebu undisturbed by means of bribing. 

What is more disturbing, is that in this forum where the statement was made, Daisy Cline, A filipina married to an American living in Cagayan de Oro, is a moderator. 

Filipinos, if that's  not an attempt by these foreigners AND those few disgusting Filipinos collaborators like Daisy Cline to portray you in the international community as some one good only to be the target of a genocide exercise is what?

Filipinos, on the link below is the Philippines Immigration e-mail contact.

Enter as subject: "Paul petrea deportation"

Copy and paste the text and link below:

"Please, visit the site below and investigate the accusations mentioned".

Jim Cunningham, you are a representative  of the British Embassy to your region. You are also the leader of the no s Expat fraction of foreigners in the same region, mostly living in CDO. You enjoy the reputation of a good faith man, a decent expat. Unfortunately, you are involved in some charity transactions with this Filipina, Daisy Cline, that despite the outrage of Paul Ptreas forum statement she continue to support a criminal. So do some of the British members in the same forum. I am appealing to you to publish a statement on the Expats Yahoo forum condemning the attitude of the said forum (LIC) and  reprimand  this Filipina and her mirror and smoke "charity activities" 

Thank you

Some links to the original blog on this entry.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Michael Turner - Gus Rodano and the Rotary International .

nless it becomes necessary by any new event, today will be the last entry mentioning the Rotary in a business dispute that Michael Turner tried to make it a Rotary matter to attract a wider attention from the community at large, thinking also that my involvement is favoring him as the "drama" is taking more bandwidth in the blogsphere. Michael Turner (like Paul Petrea) loves publicity, of any kind, for him, there isn't bad publicity-good publicity, is just publicity. "As long others talk about me, means that "I'm a person of interest! I exist!"
He's miscalculating

Readers, it takes a bunch of time to analyze the mind of a loser psychopath fighting with his past failures and missteps and today's repeat of the same. You don't remake the behavior of a man in his 50's, especially a behavior tight to his DNA, that unfortunately the environment they grew up did not contribute to at least partially alter this DNA and make them better beings. That's the case of Michael Turner.

Since my previous entry, episodes of his new soap opera progressed so fast that before I can digest the first, here comes the next and a third one followed in record time. Let's try to catchup before the next round show up in a screen near us. Ready? 

The duel is about to begin. Now on sale ring side tickets get your pop corn hot dogs cotton candy, step right up ring side tickets front row seats. Place your bets now Rotarians, ladies and gentleman. 

In the previous entry, I directed you to the complain Michael Turner has filed with the court against Gus Rodano and other Sticky Media Solutions stock holders, most important, he hijacked his Rotary Club web site and use it to inform us on the developments between him and Rodano. Why the Rotary's web site? He has his own blog, actually, he duplicates the same entries on his!. Here is the reason folks:

By doing so, he creates a circus atmosphere, blaming the Rotary for what happened with his partner Rotarian Gus Rodano, putting pressure on the Rotary to take position between the two (Him and Rodano) and Folks! guess what! He succeeded! Rodano is gone! he's out of his club! He's now "Mister Rodano" and no more "Rotarian Rodano"!.
So,now that both are stripped of their membership, is no longer a Rotary matter! You got it? Is now a "personal matter!" You see how cleverly the Rotary gets rid of the problem? I personally hail the decision of the board of directors to get rid of both, one not worth better than the other. Because, to be honest, this isn't a Rotary matter. Unlike my persistent  crusade to put out of business the Village Aide Program that was a 100% Rotary matter,a Rotary organization defrauding Rotarians and good people to enrich themselves, Turner is pleading a case that has strictly nothing to do with the Rotary. A brief history of the conflict that will be developed further in near future entries goes like this:
 In his previous saga with another Filipino partner that (according to Turner) happened 90% the exact same thing, he won a case in a civil court in CDO having as star witnesses the ones he's suing today! Gus Rodano and others were employees of the then Builders SEO company owned and managed (on paper) by Maricyl Castillon, but in reality under the grip of Michael Turner. This was part of a plot of all of them to put Maricyl out of business, close the "Builders SEO" seized all material, goodby Builders SEO, hello Sticky Media Solutions!  
As you know by now, Turner "rewarded" his heroes by making them instant business owners, otherwise unachievable by Filipino Standards for these young guys, but thanks to Michael their dream came through! Yeah? May be....I any case, let's again applaud the team in a standing ovation, one last time Congratulations! 

Michael Turner went even further in his "generosity" towards the architect of the plot against Maricyl Castillon that is Gus Rodano: He sponsored him (Gus) to join the Rotary Club, the same club Turner was a member. He thought that Rodano's membership in the Rotary will strength their relationship, hey, what the hell, are we guided by the 4 way test or not? I even noticed, that Gus Rodano was on the list of directors in the Rotary year 2011-12, Michael Turner wasn't!  
Fellow readers, supporters, Rotarians, Free Masons and any one who chose organizations, clubs, Fraternities and other not mentioned to polish their intellectual or business skills,  I have a message for you, I'll scream it as loud I can to tell you this:
 In my 30 years of activity in the Masonic Lodges in several countries, 4 years in the Rotary, been involved in several business in France and elsewhere, I learned that those who tied the success, growth and prosperity of their business with the organizations above hoping on an over night enrichment due to the members' mutual support windup to be the big losers. 
The winners were those who carefully studied the history and contributions to the Mankind, interpreted the teaching and virtues the organization was built upon, the integrity of the members is composed, listened to their experience, failures and successes, detected the worthy, ignored the "arrivists" - opportunists that  is, creates his own agenda, (If he stays) or move out.    

An intelligent member will always put in  one foot only, will keep low profile on his appurtenance and his actions in the org, playing it a little naive and ignorant, just in limit not to be labeled as stupid, will help to be trusted, he'll see who the real friends are, and those who'll try to abuse him. 

He will avoid publicity in the community, and most important, will approach business offers and ventures in the most prudent manner, separating the wheat from the chaff, provided he knows how to do it!...  Michael Turner and Gus Rodano aren't any of those. The first one, did all the opposite, bet his bottom dollar in the Rotary and ended in tears, the other one, thought that his fellows, mostly Filipinos, will come to his rescue as he did in 2006 for Michael Turner. None was there!..  

 They both miscalculated 

So, the Rotary club of Cagayan De oro got rid of both, not a big a loss, for once I will agree with the Rotary that this isn't their business, eventually, Michael Turner will surrender the web site to whom paid for and belong to, the Rotary club of Cagayan De Oro. Amen, (Rotary) case closed.
Now that we have separated the wheat from the chaff, let's move on and take a look on the latest developments. But first, the author needs to explain a few things about this entry, just to make the point to his loyal- including Mike Farrell- because if I don't, I'll hear from the sergeant's  loud, grave, scary voice!...

There will be several entries - as the story is unfolded by the characters involved - priority will be given over other matters, (Lucky you Chris Bennetts! A little relief for you, not much though, I don't want Michael to steal the parade, there will be for every one! no worries!). 

As I said before, this is the story of a dangerous psychopath living in Cagayan De Oro that manages to get away despite the harm he has done to locals. (See previous entries). I have rarely seen a foreigner breaking the law every often and feel so comfortable living there, openly making defamatory statements, aggressive as hell.

I will walk you through his business practice in the Philippines, how he creates bogus corporations putting naive and ignorant young guys and girls as a front store, leaving himself and his family out of it, yet controlling, hiring and firing as fit in a corporation but, his name is no where to be found. 
In closing, today I will update you to the latest as recorded by Michael Turner regarding a court decision issued September 17th, apparently in his favor, to me a mix bag. He had filled for a MANDATORY INJUNCTION AND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER demanding form the court the following: 
(I am bringing you a partial list - but the most essential - of the demands made, then I will direct you to the full - original  complain- if interested by the details. 

l.b. Not to operate and engage the business of Meara
Interactive Inc. and not to open its office and not to run its SEO

l .e. To make and/or submit to an inventory and
accounting of all the business operations, property assets and
equipment of Sticky Media;

l .f. To return all the money collected from the clients of
Turner, Harvest and StickyMedia from the United
States or from any foreign clients and from the local clients;

l.g. To return all money taken by defendants as "cash
advances" amounting to hundreds of thousands of pesos;

1.i. To appoint plaintiff Michael Alan Turner as the
Receiver for StickyMedia pending litigation and accounting.

4. Ordering defendants to pay plaintiffs solidarily the following
3.5.a. P500,000.00 as Moral Damages;
3.5.b. PlOO,OOO.OO as Exemplary Damages.
3.5.c. P200,000.00 as Attorney's Fees, plus
3.5.d. costs of suit.
An here is what he (Turner) got in a ruling by the judge (? ) Judge who? I don't see any name on the resolution!
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most
respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that a Temporary
Restraining Order issue against defendants ordering them or their
representatives and agents:
1. Not to engage or operate any business that would directly or
indirectly compete with the Search Engine Optimization
business and all its aligned and related businesses and
services as contained in the non-competition and
confidentiality agreements;
2. Not to operate and engage the business of Meara Interactive,
Inc. and not to open its office and not to run its SEQ business
and any business that competes with plaintiffs' business;
3. Not to collect from any of the clients of plaintiffs, whether in
America or anywhere else, for the billings of the SEO
services rendered by Plantiffs Turner, Harvest and
Sticky Media to these clients; and
4. To refrain from doing any act that would cause directly or
indirectly any damage or financial loss or injury to the
business of plaintiffs.

Other relief just and equitable are likewise prayed for. 

And for the rest? The money demanded for damages, punitive and others, legal expenses and more? The money collected from clients to be returned? The cash advances taken by the defendants also? Inventory and accounting requested? Computers and "millions worth of trade secrets, software, servers and all James Bond like fantasies"?  No word on those demands in the resolution
Gus Rodano can now sleep the night. He can change the name from Meara to N- (like New) Meara and is all set with the compliance of the order. For the rest, he knows what to do, don't he? He had the best teacher in the sorcery science you can find lol! 
Folks, reading the resolution, what strikes me most are two
phrases, one in the page 8 of the resolution (Memorandum in support of prayer for TR where the judge states this:
"Even participated in and presided over by The Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro with ex-Mayor Constantino Jaraula leading the negotiations but all were to no avail because the defendants, up to this day, still continue to perpetrate the acts mentioned which have caused and continue to cause irreparable damage to the plaintiffs corporations. Thus, this derivative suit with an urgent prayer for the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order".

Oh no! There we go again! The Rotary again! I read and re-read Turner's TRO-Civil Action, I haven't see Jaraula's name mentioned. Why the Judge mentioned it? It is possible that there was a hearing held in the case that Former Mayor testified? But he's not on the list of witnesses shown in the complain. What ever it is, why this negotiation lead by Jaraula as a Rotarian and former Rotary district governor  was so important to the Judge? The way it is written in the resolution looks to me that Jaraula  intervened in favor of Turner.  

The second phrase is all over the resolution, repeated times and again. Is about the Harvest SEO company supposedly owned by Michael Turner. The Judge keep associating him with a nonexistent company in the Philippines, unknown and unregistered,but still collecting money from clients abroad for services rendered in the Philippines, by taxed Filipino workers, unreported income by Turner. He has been challenged several times to disclose information about this phantom business, the defendants mentioned it in their counter affidavit, but the Judge ignored it!. Wasn't important for him to examine the integrity of the plaintiff before buying his arguments? All it takes is just a question to realize that he's dealing with a liar as Michael Turner is. He did not...   
But we will do it. 

Readers, in the coming updates, you will know who this crook psychopath is, how he's using a few corrupted officials closing their eyes to his illegal way of doing business and enrich himself, destroying any ones reputation getting in business with him. Finally, I will direct you to the source where you can read everything you are interested, there is plenty, the links there will direct you to the legal documents filled with the court, resolutions and more.I will update it as soon as changes occur. 
Come back in few days for more.  

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