Monday, March 27, 2017

philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?

Philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?

A moderator of the mother of all brothels in the country, the Philippines Addicts forum, had that to say about the integrity of this forum.

"Philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats? This board has always fully maintained and upheld its moral principles….This board has always condoned pedophiles or pedophile activities…NEVER EVER has this board permitted the sales of photos, videos or been used as cybersex den-live.
Moral Standards and the Integrity of this Board have made the board the success that it is today".
Philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?

Really? My books show a different story. You don't even need my books, just visit the site. 

Philippines Addicts forums - crème de la crème sexpats? Yes!
The wall of shame received information, with screenshots attached,containing a discussion taking place in the mother of all sexpats forums. It promoted pornography, human trafficking, exploitation of minors and needy girls often accepting humiliation for the reason of helping their families.
Philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?  Definitely YES! Let’s publish the first screenshot for the heck of starting with a laugh.

philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?
Philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?
Moral standards and principles? You forgot the “High ethical standards in business and professions that go together Lol !
Before we approach the Bender (Drew Shobbrook) case, the greatest of the greatest hero this forum ever knew, should say almost, because there are a few other cyber stars looking for business. Below are their names and pictures. 

Some of you know their screen name, others don’t. We do know. These guys are exactly the type of “client” the forum like on their list.

Not egomaniac shows off, no controversial public statements on open forums, however, they have flooded the net with blogs and pictures promoting their stand up in the community by enrolling to social clubs or posting pictures on how they are helping the community in their barangay. Some of them will even cooperate with the PNP (Philippine National Police) providing them with bogus information on other ex-pats in exchange of a look-away on their own criminal activities.

philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?

philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?
Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?

Before going on to the details and their relationship with the Philippines Addicts forum of this group. I should send a few words to the owner of this board “root Administrator” meaning the owner, same as the “Tequila Reef Cantina”
Here is what he said about this blog.

Philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats? This board was created with one idea in mind. That is to help people with friendly advice on how to have fun in the Philippines as you guys are going to be doing it anyway, whether this board exists or not.

This board was created with one idea in mind. That is to help people with friendly advice?

We disagree, Sir. We believe this board operates as a center for prostitution, catering to anyone with inappropriate intentions, and that you have turned a blind eye to it. From your personal profile, which you've recently changed, I notice that Bender (Drew Shobbrook) was one of your most valuable assets; his arrest significantly impacted the forum's traffic. Additionally, I see that you only had 12 publicly visible friends, one of whom was Bender.

You loved him deeply; he was your idol, your favorite poster, and a master at sparking discussion—that’s what truly interested you. The content didn’t matter as long as it generated engagement. Even after his downfall, the administrators, and members continued to open threads, keeping his memory alive until a suitable replacement was deemed essential for the growth of your board. There was no villain to reveal his erratic behavior publicly, and soon the members started to lose interest. The nature of your membership relies on having an entertainer to keep everyone engaged. Drew Shobbrook was the perfect fit. Sorry for your loss. By the way, if you want the latest news about your friend, check the sister blog. Now, let’s take a look at your profile.
philippines Addicts forums-creme de la creme sexpats?

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3

Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3

 Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3

Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 Read the rest of the story here

One down a few more to go. The arrest of this pedophile, whatever his real name is, has brought  hope within the law enforcement administration in Cebu that someone, somewhere cares for the destitute by refuging the bribe.
Certainly not thanks to “commander” Guenther Vomberg  too busy associating with criminals and pedophiles, but to those of us who contributed to his arrest, as you’ll see some evidence of our action to be published shortly.

Short update: The Philippines newspaper inquirer report the following:
The Australian gave his name as Drew Shobbrook, but the NBI found a Philippine driver’s license and other documents where he used the name Dean Fred Joban. (I guess Joban sounded like Hoban because of the silent J.
Read more:
Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

But first let’s take a look on who the guy is. Below is a picture taken from his facebook, proud of him to let its status public.

On this picture appears another sexpat, by the name of Paul Whiteway in his seventy’s another star of the Living in Cebu Forums  Paul Petrea’s scamming school, the place to join for every parasite the first world got rid of.
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 wasn’t an exception. He changed his screen name several times on this forum, from “Dean Hoban” to  “someguyincebu” to Frenzy3 and others. Here is the guy who thought to be untouchable and free to abuse Filipino underage girls for gain.
 Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 FB Album “my birthday”

Take a look also what he is “selling” on FaceBook under the name of “Dean Hoban” Publicly, on what suppose to be a “social Network” Yeah? Really? To my opinion is an instrument of pimps and criminals, but let’s stay on topic.
“Dean Hoban” aka Drew Frederick Shobbrook or the other way around “Drew Frederick Shobbrook” aka Dean Hoban, had no scruple what so ever  to publish something like that:
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 FB Album “my birthday”

Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 From Dean Hoban Face book. How old is she? !4? Ask Matt Wilkie from Tropical penpals. He has experience..

And a “panoramic” one below from his FB
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3

Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Arresting criminals fugitives and human traffickers in the Philippines is a hell of a lot of work to obtain results. Part of the reason is a law enforcement administration lucking the basic training in criminology and modern modus operating techniques. Criminals are using the internet with the latest whistles and bells in hardware and software for their porn and other criminal operations, police has barely an antiquated terminal for the entire station with a few cops on basic internet nuts and bolts knowledge.
Which brings us to this blogger-Evan Iliadis- to rely on good people to harm those criminals rather than on law enforcement agents. “Spill the beans, name and shame, be patient, some one will come forward and help the cause. This case, like others, worked just fine!…
In effect, last year 2012 while I was battling to death the  psychopath Paul Petrea I was receiving information from someone that preferred to stay anonymous. I have received a lot of support of these people (They are several, some live in the USA others in the Philippines) on many “celebrities” and the name of Frenzy3 couldn’t be an exception. Below is an exchange of mails on Frenzy3  that started on Feb. 2012. Today I received confirmation of the results.Take a look”
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy

At that time, having other priorities it was difficult for me to open another battlefield, Paul Petrea (again) being the main target, it was urgent to take him off the streets of Cebu before the psychopath strikes again. I had almost forgot about the guy, until last week when a mail came in from another sender than the mail posted above. Here is what was said: (The thread start from my last reply to the sender)
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3
Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy

Drew Frederick Shobbrook aka Dean Hoban aka Frenzy3 friend-of-truth-mail
congratulations to you also friend of truth, what ever you contributed, what ever you have done to stop this arrogant and spend the rest of his life in a prison of hell, as the Philippines penitential authority knows how to “decorate” this kind of cells for VIP. Stay in touch…
End of the story? Certainly not folks. He couldn’t have operate this alone. In his Facebook page we see him with a few Filipinos of both gender including one with relatively older lady that looks to me she’s the mother of some minors children. The entire FB album has been downloaded and will soon be viewable on other servers than FB. But if some cooperation with locals was a fact it was limited to the acquisition and “management of the stock” The selling required complicity with foreign pimps and porn cyber stars like Christopher Bennetts. who also lives in Cebu with “antennas” all over the world. Dean Hoban was a member of the Living in Cebu forums as Frenzy3 before changing name. Paul Petrea has now locked all topics and his posts as Frenzy are no where to be found except on search as titles only. More on that on later.

Dean Hoban did not act alone.  More names coming up.

To be continued.

Paul Petreas sexpats forum

Paul Petreas sexpats forum

Paul Petreas sexpats forum
Paul Petreas sexpats forum

So Paul? Can you compete with Drew’s looks? It was your idol because he could afford a harem of chicks at any time but you only one at the time but not all the time!

The forums as a market for dealing where good people meet and merchants offering legal and crooked business.
The NGO infiltrates them, members reporting “special events” like pornography and pedophilia  indecent dealings like  pyramid scams, or  pirated software  or recruitment of intimidation Rambos 

Most have valid reasons to attend, lowness, recognition seeking and more, then, here come the predators trying exploiting the numbers and potential for selling them bogus products.
The technique consists of building a reputation, Paul needed ABSOLUTELY to have a bad one to attract peddlers and scams. Unfortunately, Evan and others were there; Almost put them out of business. P

Over the years, the Living in Cebu Forums has built a membership mostly composed by the expat low life living in the Philippines, or not living but have ties with the established expat community for the purpose of managing for them porn and financial scams.

High caliber pimps like Mike Mounstephen “aka” Spooks, peddlers pedophiles like Drew Shobbrook   “aka” Frenzy bender and other screen names, Christopher Bennetts the psychopath author of perverted porn sites where only mentally disturbed will put his credit card and watch the barbary and torture unfold on his screen.
Make no mistake scumbag. I’m not on my first in closing places like yours in the Philippines. It’ll take whatever time needed, I’ll close it.

Readers from the S/E Asia and the US are following you on my blogs staying away from you. There isn’t any sign pointing towards you have  changed your dangerous, violent behavior; wherever you go you become the most hated person. Now in Cambodia is not an exception.

I’ll be back with more news for you from your daughter Samantha. How long you haven’t seen her? 
Your best stalker Evan Iliadis 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies. First a look at Wikipedia for a description of "Mail Order Bride"

A mail-order bride is a woman who lists herself in catalogs (online or otherwise) and is selected by a man for marriage. In nineteenth-century America, mail-order brides came from well-developed areas in the East to marry men in Western frontier lands. In the twentieth century, the trend was towards women living in developing countries seeking men in more developed nations. In the twenty-first century, the trend is now based primarily on internet-based meeting places which do not per se qualify as mail-order bride services. Read more....

Second, Let's take a look on a blog, one of hundreds you find on the net about the subject: Hre comes a screen shot. Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

 mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

Basically, what the author of this web site says is this this:

“As Eastern online dating services are extremely easy to sign up these days.

Right here are some statements about Filipinas you ought to know;.

-Filipino women are effectively educated. College degree is one of the most vital things all females must have in their life.

-Filipino ladies are not totally submissive. Their nature is to stay clear of arguing or any public criticism due to the fact that they have been taught to act like a real enlightened girl.
-For Filipino ladies, love comes prior to money. Money is constantly secondary to the stability of their marriage. If they need to make any decisions that are included with both cash and love concern, they will just put love in the most vital factor.

Right here are some statements about Filipinas you ought to know;.
-Filipino women are effectively educated. College degree is one of the most vital things every female must have in their life.
-Filipino ladies are not totally submissive. Their nature is to stay clear of arguing or any public criticism due to the fact that they have been taught to act like a real enlightened girls.
-For Filipino ladies, love comes prior to money. Money is constantly secondary to the stability of their marriage. If they need to make any decisions that are included with both cash and love concern, they will just put love in the most vital factor.
Right here are some statements about Filipinas you ought to know;.
-Filipino women are effectively educated. College degree is one of the most vital things every female must have in their life.
-For Filipino ladies, love comes prior to money. Money is constantly secondary to the stability of their marriage. If they need to make any decisions that are included with both cash and love concern, they will just put love in the most vital factor.
-Filipino women are best home keepers. Home is an excellent source of pride for Filipino women, so they always do their finest to make this location the best place for their household. Not just the physical environment, but they also keep emotional environment as good as possible as well.
 mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.
-Filipino ladies choose men who are, a minimum of one year, older than them. There is a fact outcome for this statement that about 80 % of all Filipinas has married to a man who is at least a year older than them. They just have a thing for mature, less promiscuous, and financially stable.
If you are trying to find an Oriental sweetheart with mature and smart personality, Filipino woman is definitely your first right option to go.”
As many true as misleading statements. Not as straight forward as the author wants us to believe. Look again at his picture. Does the girl look like “an excellent source of pride for Filipino women, so they always do their finest to make this location the best place for their household?”
Buy it if you want, to me looks like a girl was working in a rice field until the day a sexpat “discovered” her beauty and put it in value trough biweekly salon appointments and frequent visits to the fashion boutiques.

Excuse me? How old the sexpat is? Just a year older than her? Well, go through the pictures on this blog then let me know if you find one of this age. Let me know if you find anyone who’s less than half her age. I’ll give a lollipop!.
ut I’m not here today for a review of what this blogger thinks about mail order brides, I’d rather tell you what I’m thinking of the situation as I closely observed it in the Philippines when living there, same in the USA where many of these girls landed.

In fact, contrary to the general perception, not all of the girls will end up leaving abroad with their prince met online, contrary to their expectations. The ruler, usually a retiree, will decide to migrate himself to the Philippines "For economic and security reasons" provided most of them aren't financially fit, not even fulfilling the Immigration requirements of minimum revenue to qualify the bride for a visa, requirement that becomes stricter year after year throughout the first world countries, Cameron's UK having the stricter one in the world. Here is what a known sexpat and scammer who struggles to bring his wife and two children in the UK had to say:
mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

Personally, living next door (France) I totally disagree with Matt Wilkie on how the UK government is handling his situation.
Here is a guy who left the UK in his 30s, based on his writings he had an unstable life personal and professional life, he had never contributed a single pound to the system.

Left in the Philippines to meet his chat mate, got married, two children, engaged in crooked business resulted to failure after failure, then, tries to charge those failures on British tax-payers, by asking the Government to bring his wife and two children, including one is autistic, from the PH asking the rolling of a red carpet for them in the airport.

Noooo Way !!!! Cameron is right. Thousands of Britons losers living abroad receive unemployment benefits from countries poorer than UK. Guardians picture was taken in Spain, no wonder Matt Wilkie chose Spain as a first landing looking forward to a soft landing in the UK under the SCHNNGEN agreement. It won't happen.

Noticed Matt Wilkie's conclusion?

"Lies upon lies in the media and to be honest I am quite happy to drop being British. I am a world citizen and be it labor, conservatives, BNP, UKIP or Combat 18 they can shove they're racism up their arses!!"
To which the UK government replies "happy you give up your citizenship, offer gladly accepted. As for Matt being a world citizen, it takes more than a stay in Oman and the Philippines to be one, and need to speak at least 3 languages to qualify.

Today's moral of the story is about a category of expats losers that goes to a poor country having in their suitcases a bunch of lies for that desperate girl thinking he will bring them abroad for a better life. Shattered dreams. What kind of lies? Like this one.
mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.

Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.
Liar! If he was an engineer at Carillion he would have enough revenue to qualify his family for a visa to enter the UK. He’s a just a cleaning agent on minimum wages.

Next week: The strategy of controlling the bride while chose of living in the Philippines instead of petition her to move abroad. You'll read how the ugly retiree in his 60s 70s manipulates his bride in her 20s 30s to be dependent on him. Does she? Or she scams him as much as he does on her?

Sexpats - mail Order Brides - controlling strategies.