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sexpats wall of shame phil Rowe-Manilyn Gemarino and "the maid" |
Friends, contributors and readers, welcome again to my blog for another edition on the sexpat community living in the Philippines. The story you are about to read, is about a victim of Paul Petrea, one more, one of those the writer has fully participated from day 2, day one being the day the incident occurred, he wasn't there.
But as you'll see down the road, I didn't need to be there, as the victim unfolded the story to me in a place and time there was no fuse and excitement on the internet yet, no circus atmosphere, no lies and cover-ups as later surfaced.
It was just spontaneous words that came out of the victim's heart, no witness or assistance from anyone, in a 4th grader English, (like mine) that for the little story, you'll see what 4th graders can do when get together to explain things!…
Let's get started with a chronology of the events. It is going to be a long entry, I might have to split in two.
The night of October 17th 2011, the girl you see above, Manilyn Gemarino in her 20s, was spending the night with her fiancee, (her husband now) Philip Rowe an American citizen in his 60s, in a resort some where in Cebu Philippines. Paul Petrea, a good and loyal friend of Phillip Rowe, was there also, alone, with them was an other couple, a Canadian with his girls friend he had just arrived from abroad, my understanding is he was temporarily living at Phillip and Manilyn's apartment.
The friend from Canada and his GF left earlier living 3 of them together, Phillip, Manilyn and Paul continuing the drinking session started earlier.
October 23 2011. A comment was posted on one of the blogs I often authoring, from apparently a girl saying this: (Email address erased) You need to click on the image to enlarge it for better reading.
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
Short comment, but a lot of between the lines reading, I took it seriously, but I couldn't identify the girl, verify and bring to my readers a true story, real facts, and not play the game of some plotters that try to avenge Paul using me and my blogs. You will soon know who they are, their place on the wall of shame is under construction.
Besides, a good investigator/"stalker"/paparazzi like me (Thanks for the compliment) don't rush on every one's statement taking it for cash, just stay patient, things will roll out smoothly and in due time...
8 days later Nov.1st, I received a mail from someone I didn't know telling me this:
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
I did keep confidential his mail, I trashed his two comments that he wanted removed, in fact, never was approved, no one saw them, mail and comments I found them next day morning.
The first thing I noticed on his mail, was that only his fiancee was mad at Paul, the girl found the strength and courage to come forward with her real name and tell the story with no fear. Then I noticed this guy he wanted me to remove his name for the reason he explained on his mail above.
But paul knew everything already, he read it on the FB and threatened her through Jinky..! Then I said to myself, patience Evan the truth will prevail, as usual.
Nov. 1st 2011 I followed Phillip's instructions, went to the FB and asked Manilyn to be her friend, she accepted, first thing first, scrolled her wall and find what she had about Paul. There was the pictures with the bruises you can see here
She had also linked pages from this wall of shame where Paul occupies a special place. BTW, if you go to the link, look at the date. OCT 2010. May I now say "Evan Told you so!" Thanks.
Back to our subject, here is some screen shots on Manilyn's FB wall. Please remember the name is just a FB screen name as described by Phil on his mail above.Look also at the date she wrote the comment. 5 days later after the incident.
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
then later Oct 29
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
On the spot, I invited Lyn to a chat session, she came, I felt it, she was angry, very angry, she needed some one to tell her story, and here is what we discussed. The conversation went on for several hours through different dates, I will publish only a few excerpts today, saving the rest for publishing when I judge I need to.
Here is what we said: The screenshot below is about Jinky. Again you need to click on to enlarge the image.
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
After we discussed for a while about jinky and Vivian I had no doubt in my my mind that she knows Paul very well, most important, she was acting without the slightest suspicion of malice or coverup of something or someone in her explanation.
So it was time to enter the main subject we both were here to converse:
And this one
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
Well, in the end of this session, that you read only a portion, I was speechless! Stunned! surprised!
I lived in the Philippines provinces long enough, I have rarely seen a young girl with such guts and determination to come forward asking justice. I was stunned to see this girl fighting not only Paul, but her husband trying to cover up the incident, that chicken SEXPAT Phillip Rowe that his friendship with Paul and others sexpats in Cebu is more valuable than the honor and safety of his wife. Shame on him! All he does is going from forum to forum spreading senseless crap, misinformation just for the heck to show his wife he does something...
It didn't take long to realize what was going on. I have never been in such delicate situation before in exposing someone. The triangle composed by a criminal that I don't care much to manage my vocabulary or how to say what i have to say, a sexpat that I don't care that much, I have seen many before, and a young girl that I may jeopardize her case in court she filled after our conversation.
In a "wait and see position" - No charges were filed yet - waiting for the next step, who ever will be the initiator, an exchange of mails start taking place between me and Phil. Every single mail I was receiving from him contributed to downgrade guy's intelligence and morality. All he was doing was smoke and mirror under the pressure of his wife that was thirsty for justice and vengeance.
What he was doing, was making her believe that he's serious about asking Paul's head, in reality, he was doing everything to derail the case, he was hopping that Paul will never show up on subpoenas and notice to appear in court or prosecution's office IF EVER delivered to him. To give you an example, look at this mail. Again, he makes it Lyn's problem not his, he has nothing to do with it.
(The case was filed when I received this).
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Dec. 5th and Dec.9th 2011 back to FB for a conversation with Lyn.
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Philippines Sexpats wall of shame: Philip Rowe "AKA" Americano. A different kind of sexpat |
and this one
Dec. 9th 2011. Manilyn filed charges against Paul. The complain can be seen here, including photos of her injuries and witness affidavits. Almost 2 months later. Even though the statute of limitation does not expire, Paul's lawyers could question their motivations in court. You'll notice also that his name, Phillip Rowe, is no where to be found. Like he wasn't there!!
Is there any one in the audience, any stupid naive that will believe what Phil was telling to Lyn? That Paul will be arrested hours after her complain, be jailed right the way and be deported to face charges in the USA?
Is there any one in the audience, any stupid naive that will believe what Phil was telling to Lyn? That Paul will be arrested hours after her complain, be jailed right the way and be deported to face charges in the USA?
The BofI, gave him a run around "waiting orders from Manila", that if true, the order could come in minutes, they could arrest him in hours. I don't think the BI took him seriously, they saw the kind of sexpat he was. Besides, the immigration can't arrest someone on a simple complain. They need to investigate first.
Folks, taking a look on the dossier, no Gov. official will bother to rush in his favor, I'm wondering if even his lawyer took him seriously.
This case will never be judged in a court of law. Paul can't afford it, not because of the gravity of the charges that as presented Paul could easily fight them with the help of a top notch lawyer. With all the money he scammed he could afford the cost.
There was other reasons that he had to go onto hiding, reasons you will read in the next entry.
In the following days, until January 20th the story was published on the blog, me and Phil exchanged several mails, I tried to stop him of dreaming the day he will meet Paul at the court, it won't happen, he prayed also it won't happen!.
We had some heated arguments time to time in the way he was handling the case, very disgusting way of playing around, at one point, he sent me a copy of a mail sent to Guenther ordering him to take action in closing my web site. Take a look..
The mail was sent to several recipients including to Bob Ward. But what he didn't say to Guenther Vomberg was that he was planing to help him with the legal expenses using my money I sent to cover legal expenses against Paul.
As of the writing of this entry Phil Rowe tries to find a place to accommodate him because he can't live without being a member in a forum. Is vital to him, that's all he knows in his life, that's all he knows about Philippines, that all the life he has. But the forums have been hostile to him. The LITP forum he embraced lately hammered him, painting him as a liar. I will add to this as a hypocrite low life sexpat, as many of those interacting with the LITP forum. A well deserved treatment.
To be continued.
in the mean time there is more elsewhere on the subject: Click here: and read about the "Fragrance of a Filipina heroine".
in the mean time there is more elsewhere on the subject: Click here: and read about the "Fragrance of a Filipina heroine".
Other links"
Tropicalpenpals-blog-Matt Wilkie
Paul Petrea-Perry Gamsby-Don Herrington- and some others - Live In The Philippines Blog
Paul Petrea-Perry Gamsby-Don Herrington- and some others - Live In The Philippines Blog